Monday, February 8, 2010

Gay Flushing What's The Big Deal With Larry Craig. The Guy Who Got Caught At The Airport Asking For Gay Sex?

What's the big deal with Larry Craig. The guy who got caught at the airport asking for gay sex? - gay flushing

I'm not really gay) (but I think it's the only reason why we hear. And if he does? Why do we try to catch the gay guys? I once had sex in the dairy department of a large foodstore. It was a hot little lady from Santa Cruz. We went to look for more mud (no pun intended). We have worked, so I lifted up her skirt and she suggested once or twice and just over in the parking lot. When I lost my job and my life's work to be evacuated during a sex drive, so wild? Hell, I bet even the police arrested us said "hell yeah bro, I did the same thing, what a hottie" and sex is not a crime of violence who cares? In the same note, I do not want to hear 2 dudes, but it's just me. I would like to find a bathroom. If I go bad, it is just to throw TP.



I see something that drives your boat. not judge for ourselves.

§☺ĻĻŷ said...

You and your friend Scruz screws are consenting adults. A man holds his own company in the men's room does not want to hit a closet queen Freakazoid Republicans.

Imagine - you're there to take a shit and now you should seriously consider an invitation to my esteemed colleague from the great State of Idaho tried again in a package? There is a difference, my brother.

cdjack said...

Cause we do not want to take people to. It makes us all dizzy bolt to see the enemy. If there is one of our friends, events that we all hate the COP. Everything is not funny?

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